Thought I’d gather together a few of my more recent images, none of which really justifies it’s own blog post…

This one uses a nebula by my friend Graham Gazzard as a dual light source for one of my moonlets. Then I added a human figure. I’ve been trying to use strong colour and human figures more.

Another use for one of my displacement mapped moonlets, to make a centaur asteroid. These odd small bodies orbit beyond the path of Jupiter, and some have shown coma, like a comet. At least two are known to have ring systems, similar to what is shown here.
Unusually for me, I have done the rings as a large number of particles.

This is a Vue image – I bought the mesh for the stations years ago, but until now never found a good use for it. I used dinsaurs as the flying creatures because I wanted to be able to show the shape, and birds would have been too small.

One of my all time favourite science fiction designs is Thunderbird 3 by Derelk Meddings. I learned a lot by reading his book on the supermarionation work, particularly the importance of “dirtying down”, and that 3 fold symmetry often looks credible but new, (rarely seen in the real world).

A new render of my HOPE-VASIMR mesh. You can find more on this project, covering a credible vehicle for exploring outer planets HERE.

And finally a render of the ice giant planet Uranus from one of it’s tiny moons. I hope you can see the knife edge rings and another small moon close beside them.
That’s all folks!
It is very rare to find Neptune art. Thanks.
That’s Uranus?
My bad. Both are equally rare!