Back to Amberlight 2, to try some more renders Not much more to say about these beyond “Here they Are!”

The Art and Graphics of Nick Stevens. Available for hire.I specialise in unbuilt space projects, and the spacecraft of the Soviet Union.
I’m getting a much stronger sense of control now wiuth Amberlight. And thanks to some prompt support, now know how to zoom the elements in and out, as opposed to the images.
I must admit, I ‘m still struggling to get my head around the animation system though, and have yet to produce one successfully
Amberlight is very good at filaments of energy style effects. Continue reading “More Amberlight 2 experiments”
I just bought myself Amberlight 2, a particle based image generator, which makes fractal like images.
I’ve only had it a few hours, but it is very easy to use, and I am already producing cool images, and feeling in control. UHTV resolution renders in about a minute, nice and fast.
It’s $60, and if you want to find out more, here’s a link to the software home.
Here are some of my very early efforts!
As usual, click on a small picture for a larger image.
This one, unusually has some blocked out type areas.