Hedrick Fusion Rocket

Hedrick fusion rocket

Here’s a design for a seriously large fusion rocket.

I started with information for on the always excellent Project Rho site, by Winchell Chung. This refers to an earlier NASA paper.

Hedrick Fusion Rocket Ortho
Hedrick Fusion Rocket Ortho

There are 36 living modules composing the centrifuge ring. Each module is 4 meters in diameter and 7.3 meters long. The “spines” are a belt cooling system for the nuclear power. Hot droplets are sprayed onto the belts and carried away and back again.

The front ring rotates to provide fake gravity, and there are large weights along the arms that support the habitation ring – these maintain the balance when crew and supplies move around the ring.


Hedrick fusion rocket
Hedrick fusion rocket
Hedrick fusion rocket
Hedrick fusion rocket
Hedrick fusion rocket
Hedrick fusion rocket

As usual, all done in Lightwave 3d.

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