Dornier Space Tug, Work in Progress

New work in progress, a Dornier design for a space tug, with the option of 2, 4, or 6 aqdditional fuel tanks.

This one is coming together fast!


dst-02I found my references on the always excellent ATOMIC ROCKETS web site:

As run by Winchell Chung:


2 thoughts on “Dornier Space Tug, Work in Progress”

  1. Hello,
    very nicely done. The website you got the info from seems to have lifted the scans i posted on Secret Projects Forum back in 2010. I found them in a Dornier company magazine.

    Barry Hinchliffe

    aka Barrington Bond

    1. Hi Barry, glad you liked it!
      I hope the source site is OK with you, I know Winchell who runs the site and he’s generally meticulous with credits and permissions, (which is why I’m happy for him t use my work).

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