HOTOL, new render and some history

I was inspired by a wonderful shot I found of a storm from orbit, to dig out my old HOTOL mesh, and composite it on top:

HOTOL over storm
HOTOL over storm

I’m not 100% sure the stars in the background work. They are not realistic, but I’m trying to get away from slavish realism…

For those unfamiliar, HOTOL was a British spaceplane project.

“HOTOL, for Horizontal Take-Off and Landing, was a 1980s British design for a single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) spaceplane that was to be powered by an airbreathing jet engine. Development was being conducted by a consortium led by Rolls-Royce and British Aerospace (BAe).”

Here are some older renders:

Perspective free views:

HOTOL over France:

HOTOL over Bristol:


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