A selection of recent work

Twelve New Works

I’ve not made a proper post here in a long time, and decided to fix that with a selection of my relatively recent work.

However, if you want something more frequently updated, I post most days on Blue Sky and Mastodon. (Gave up on Twitter a long time ago). Also I publish fairly regularly on my Soviet Space Substack, covering Soviet Space History as well as my visualisations, and restored archive material.

Bluesky Profile
Mastodon Banner
Mastodon Profile
Soviet Space Substack Banner
Soviet Space Substack Banner

So, here we go. As usual, click on an image for a larger version. All rights reserved, feel free to contact me if you want to use an image, or if you want to commission me for work.

The Red Star

Red Star CGI Starship
Red Star CGI Starship
Red Star CGI Starship, Illustration style
Red Star CGI Starship, Illustration style

This design was based on a small illustration from the Soviet era. There was plenty of room for ad lib-ing the details, and I incorporated ideas from a  Tsiolkovsky station, Daedalus Nuclear Pulse , and other elements. I’m really pleased with how this came out.

FREA pulse class ship at Proxima Centauri.

FREA Pulse class ship in front of a Red Dwarf.

As you may have noticed if you see me on other Social media, I’ve been doing a LOT of work for the Enzmann Archive AKA FREA, and this is one of my favourites. Continue reading “A selection of recent work”

Lunar Renderings

As it came up in a couple of different circumstances, I thought I’d write a post featuring some of my Lunar renderings. The Moon was one of the first things I successfully rendered in 3d – The simple shape made the modelling easy, and just adding a colour channel texture and a bump map meant I could produce nice views of the Moon from any angle.

The current model.

The current version of my Lunar Model has 46 million polygons, and the craters and mountains are modelled using displacement mapping. In other words, the features are done with proper geometry, so the crater walls cast shadows.The colour texture map is about 1 gigapixel, so really large high resolution views are possible. Continue reading “Lunar Renderings”