A selection of recent work

Twelve New Works

I’ve not made a proper post here in a long time, and decided to fix that with a selection of my relatively recent work.

However, if you want something more frequently updated, I post most days on Blue Sky and Mastodon. (Gave up on Twitter a long time ago). Also I publish fairly regularly on my Soviet Space Substack, covering Soviet Space History as well as my visualisations, and restored archive material.

Bluesky Profile
Mastodon Banner
Mastodon Profile
Soviet Space Substack Banner
Soviet Space Substack Banner

So, here we go. As usual, click on an image for a larger version. All rights reserved, feel free to contact me if you want to use an image, or if you want to commission me for work.

The Red Star

Red Star CGI Starship
Red Star CGI Starship
Red Star CGI Starship, Illustration style
Red Star CGI Starship, Illustration style

This design was based on a small illustration from the Soviet era. There was plenty of room for ad lib-ing the details, and I incorporated ideas from a  Tsiolkovsky station, Daedalus Nuclear Pulse , and other elements. I’m really pleased with how this came out.

FREA pulse class ship at Proxima Centauri.

FREA Pulse class ship in front of a Red Dwarf.

As you may have noticed if you see me on other Social media, I’ve been doing a LOT of work for the Enzmann Archive AKA FREA, and this is one of my favourites. Continue reading “A selection of recent work”

The ten most beautiful rockets!

Ok, this is bound to be highly subjective! But for what it’s worth, here are the ten most beautiful rockets, in my opinion.

10. Electron.

The shape is simple but the paint job wins the prize. New Zealand based, which is why we have what is effectively a rocket wearing an All Blacks rugby shirt.

I note they also claim to have the most beautiful launch site in the world, and having visited New Zealand, I am willing to accept that.

The AXM Electron Rocket
The Electron Rocket

Continue reading “The ten most beautiful rockets!”

Tutorial – Making a CGI Ringed Planet

Level – Intermediate:


This is a fairly old tutorial, as you may notice by the version of Lightwave used! However, the principles are exactly the same in newer versions, and indeed you should be able to apply the ideas presented with pretty much any CGI software.

Original introduction

I have seen many rather poor attempts to make convincing ringed planets, and thought it might be a good idea to tell you how I do it. I rate it as intermediate in level, as I am not going to explain mouse click and numeric values. You should be familiar with making spheres and disks, and applying image based texture maps. I have done this tutorial as one long page, so it is easier for you to print. It should work with any version of Lightwave from 5.6 onward, and the ideas should also be easy to adapt to any other modern 3D graphics package.

The planet has 2 main components, the globe of the planet itself, and the ring system. Continue reading “Tutorial – Making a CGI Ringed Planet”

Orbiting the planet Saturn, in ultra high definition

This one was really quick to conceptualise, and took months to complete.

Mainly because I kept trying to cut corners with render settings that were not high enough, or assuming that I could fake a join between runs with different render settings, and it would not show…

Saturn, still image from the video...

Saturn, still image from the video…

Continue reading “Orbiting the planet Saturn, in ultra high definition”

The Saturn 1B model, Follow along with the build.

I gather from Twitter that some people find it interesting to follow my approach and progress when building a new model. So here’s a blog post where I will show how a project comes together, with lots of illustrations.

My starting point is to gather references, particularly high resolution photos, and plans with dimensions. Fortunately this one is covered in the excellent “Rockets of the World” by Peter Alway. It’s not highly detailed, but I find if you can get the overall dimensions of major features correct, then it’s not too tricky to fill in the rest from good photographs.

Rockets of the World
Rockets of the World

Continue reading “The Saturn 1B model, Follow along with the build.”

Saturn – And the Sky and Telescope Calendar 2017!

Saturn renders:

Saturn and Ring System
Saturn and Ring System

I am extremely proud that this year, one of my renders made the cover of the Sky and Telescope Solar System Calendar! That’s the one for 2017


Continue reading “Saturn – And the Sky and Telescope Calendar 2017!”

HOPE VASIMR Guest renders and a short video

A couple of new items using the Human Outer planet Exploration vehicle, with VASIMR engines.

Graham Gazzard has done some wonderful renders of the mesh!

You can follow him on twitter here:


HOPE-VASIMR render by Graham Gazzard
HOPE-VASIMR render by Graham Gazzard

Continue reading “HOPE VASIMR Guest renders and a short video”

Pioneer 11

Pioneer 11 was the first probe to reach Jupiter and Saturn. It is not often remembered, I think because of Voyager 1 and 2 followed on relatively quickly, and these probes delivered much superior imagery.

But Pioneer 11 was important, not least because it established if it would be safe to send the voyagers very close to the giant planets – the amount  of radiation and debris near them was not clear before the encounters.

saturn-approach-compositex pioneer-polar-jupiter2x

Continue reading “Pioneer 11”